Community Groups

We have 5 Small Groups  and there is still room for you to attend! Listed are the groups and their leaders for you to contact if you are interested in learning more about that group!

Tuesday night

Where: Tanasbourne area
Who: Leaders: Brian and Theresa Baird
contact info: matrix_14 (at) comcast (dot) net

Wednesday night

Where: Bethany area
Who: Leaders: Steve and Tammy LeBlanc
contact info: leblancfamilyoregon (at) comcast (dot) net

Thursday night

Where: Bethany area
Who: Leaders: Matt and Cindy Payne
contact info: matt (at) churchatbethany (dot) com

Friday night

Where: Tanasbourne area
Who: Leaders: Don and Janice Clemson
contact info: djclemson (at) verizon (dot) net


Have you ever had an authentic relationship with someone you just see in passing for a few minutes - once a week? We realize that forming closer relationships with the neighbors and new faces on Sunday morning is a challenge! That's why Community Groups are so important to us. And we will make it easy by offering a variety of groups: men's, women's, and mixed (couples, singles, men & women) at almost any time during the week. Weekend, weekday; mornings and evenings. Whatever works best for you.

Community Groups, like nothing else, provide a place to build authentic relationships in a personal, comfortable environment...right in someone's home! Here, we hang out, catch up, and join in dynamic discussions about spiritual truth & growth...with people just like ourselves. We just plain have fun!

Our goal is to build a community where nobody stands alone.

What if I don't know anyone else who's there?

That's okay! One of the reasons for community groups is to develop friendships that can't happen on just Sunday morning. You'll feel that right away!

I'm so busy during the week that I don't have time for anything else...

Always a challenge for all of us - but you're very welcome to just try it for a week or two, and if it doesn't work, there's never any obligation.

But I don't know much about the Bible...

Great! Our studies are always designed to be rich, interesting and relevant to all people regardless of background. Topics and types of studies will vary from time to time. Just ask!

What if I don't want to join in the discussion?

Absolutely no problem. You choose whatever participation feels right for you.

What do I do with my children?

Bring them with you! All children are always welcome (unless noted otherwise), and will be cared for in a separate part of the home.

What if I can't make it every week?

No problem! While everyone is encouraged to be consistent in attending (and we think you'll want to!), we know things come up.

Which group should I go to?

We can help you find the group that works best for you!

Hasn't that group been meeting for a while already? I'd feel uncomfortable "barging in".

Every group is designed to have an open door and empty chairs ready to be filled at all times. We always welcome new faces! We also start brand new groups from time to time.