How God's Word Has Come to Us (Part Two)

  • Jan 28, 2008

What are we to think about books entitled Lost Scriptures and Lost Christianities? Who decided and how did they decide which books would be included in the Bible? Was the decision of human or divine authority?

These questions concern the canon of Scripture. The word canon comes from a cane or measuring rod, and came to be used for a standard. In regard to Scripture, canon means a list of authoritative normative books of Scripture. When God's Word was written it became Scripture.

God's people recognized the inspired Scriptures and later collected them together.

Confidence in the canon gives assurance of our knowledge of God and his will for our lives. A normative standard safeguards us from being led astray by false teachers and enables us to answer seekers and critics.

The Canon of the Old Testament
As the Old Testament books made their appearance, they were recognized as the Word of God. Moses, a prophet (Numbers 12:6-8 and Deuteronomy 34:10), wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. Accepted as Scripture, the Law of Moses was put with the ark of the covenant (Joshua 1:7, 8; 2 Kings 18:6; and Deuteronomy 31:26). Joshua was also a prophet (1 Kings 16:34), and his book was added with the Law (Joshua 24:26). Samuel's books and others followed (1 Samuel 10:25).

God told Moses he would send prophets leading to the great Prophet, that is, Christ (Deuteronomy 18:15-22). These prophets spoke and wrote with authority, expecting to be obeyed as the voice of God. They declared that Israel had fallen because she disobeyed the Law and their words.

Old Testament authors cite other books as the Word of the Lord (2 Chronicles 36:21; Jeremiah 25:1-14; and Daniel 9:2). Jeremiah quotes Micah as prophetic (Jeremiah 26:18). Daniel possessed Moses' and Jeremiah's books (9:2, 10, 11). The Law and prophets stand equal in authority (2 Kings 17:13 and Nehemiah 9:26).

For the Christian, Jesus' acceptance of the Old Testament as the infallible, authoritative Word of God settles the issue. Jes